Marketing Dissertation案例:葡萄酒营销
Title: Wine Marketing

Marketing Dissertation案例:葡萄酒营销


本篇dissertation讲述了葡萄酒营销的概述以及相关的case study

Wine Marketing



Events and shows are important strategies of marketing products in specific target

markets. Research in this field has realized a significant growth in the recent past given the

fact these marketing strategies influence the growth of the economy. Businesses use events

and shows as a means of regeneration and economic development not only to raise market

awareness but also for reposition or position destination. This tool of marketing a brand

allows entrepreneurs to get insight into consumer behavior, buying trends, and competitors’

way of doing business (Huang, 2011). These occasions also facilitate interactions between

businesses and new clients. In this era of globalization, most companies invest extensively on

events, shows, and festivals not only to attract prospective clients but also to form networks

that are essential in growing their brands.

In the wine industry, festivals and hosting events promote wine tourism which is essential

in the marketing of the products. Wine festivals create opportunities for businesses to raise

awareness about a particular product and its destination region (Kruger, Rootenberg & Ellis,

2013). For instance, wine festivals in Western, South Africa, and East Asia have

encouraged an increase in the consumption of different wine products. Besides creating

awareness, wine shows, events, and festivals have reduced the cost of product distribution

due to the high demand for the goods. Business in the wine industry is booming as a result of

these marketing strategies since they create internal and external market opportunities. The

wine events and shows are also crucial for businesses and consumers because they build

strong relationships between sellers and buyers which promote brand loyalty. Companies

reap the benefits of these functions by ensuring that customers have satisfactory experience 

during the visit by indulging them in a wide range of activities. The common events during

such visits include purchasing of wine, getting the chance to learn about different types and

brands of wine, and interacting with other consumers. Consumers who have a positive

experience during the events and shows contribute to the growth of a brand in many ways.

They create awareness through positive word-of- mouth; show loyalty and the intention for revisits;

and influence market success, long-term profitability for the company, reduced

distribution cost due to direct sales, product sustainability, and an increase in the economic

value (Kruger, Rootenberg & Ellis, 2013). It is, however, important to note that wine

companies hold different kinds of events and shows for various reasons and they target

specific consumers.



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