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Analysis of Professional and Ethical Behaviour in Business

发布日期:2022-11-14 21:49:37   作者 :JK    浏览量 :344
JK 发布日期:2022-11-14 21:49:37  

Task 1: Analysis of three professional behaviors 

Professional behavior is one of the effective forms of etiquettes in which Sky TV NZ Ltd. can link their courteous conduct according to the workplace. The formal code of professional conduct influences social and cultural appropriateness. The analyses of professional behaviors are as follows:


Effective communication is one of the important professional behavior in which manners with other employees have been engaged. Sky TV NZ Ltd. has been maintained by various guidelines regarding the content and the different information that is relevant to the communication strategy. The language and the effective tone of the written communication have been evaluated properly in order to maintain an effective relationship with others. The corporate goals of the concerned organization have been achieved by the effective communication strategy that has been adopted by Sky TV NZ Ltd. There are some safety policy and the safety reports of various hazards that have been accessed by the concerned organization (Schaltegger & Burritt, 2018).

Time management

Time management is one of the effective important strategies, which mainly focuses on various respectful attitudes that have been managed. There are several contributions which have been managed in a time effective process. The Sky TV NZ Ltd. in which the standard guidelines are managed has identified the appropriate format and the responsibility of various works and actions. Effective resolution of the concerned organization plays a vital role in order to move forward the performance of the organization. The managers of the concerned organization are responsible for effective time management strategy in which the firm can achieve their strategic objectives. 


Sky TV NZ Ltd. has been maintained their effective integrity professional behavior in which the ethical and right things can be identified. There are various company policies and regulations, which have been maintained by the manager of the organization. The misconduct of the workplace has been solved effectively by integrity behavior. The personal bias of the employees and the intolerances of the workplace are monitored properly by the concerned professional behavior. The concerned firm has been maintained a respectful attitude in which the stress of the employees can be mitigated. Use of proper language at the workplace plays a vital role in reducing the errors that are incorporated with it. The managers of the concerned organization have collected individual opinions from other employees. It is required for the manager of the organization to follow the appropriate format by asking various considerations that are involved with social and cultural standards (Prashar & Antony, 2018). 

Task 2: Analysis of three ethical behaviors

Ethical behaviors of the concerned organization influence the overall business and the trends that are involved with it. The society and the individuals that are related to Sky TV NZ Ltd. focus on various moral principles, which include honesty, equality, and dignity. Organizational diversity and individual rights have been effectively monitored by the ethical behaviors of the concerned organization. Three ethical behaviors, which are socially and culturally acceptable, are as follows:


The ethical executive of the concerned organization mainly focuses on fairness ethical behavior in order to meet their dealings. There are various advantages of the concerned ethical behaviour, which mainly demonstrate fidelity. The loyalty to other individuals supports an effective professional judgment, which plays a vital role in avoiding various conflicts that are incorporated with it. The ethical executives of the concerned organization have provided responsibilities and other opportunities. The code of conduct and the positive business environment can be provided due to the fairness behavior of the concerned organization.


Personal accountability of various individuals has been acknowledged and accepted by the ethical executives of the concerned organization. The ethical behavior mainly reflects upon the ethical quality and the decision-making techniques in which the strategic objectives of the concerned organization can be achieved. The concerned organization ensures its employees and other stakeholder companies by the concerned ethical behavior. The reputation and morale of Sky TV NZ Ltd. influence their employees by engaging in the code of conduct rules and regulations. The duties and ethical excellence influence the individuals in order to increase the overall productivity of the employees (Hodges & Steinholtz, 2018).

Law abiding

Ethical executives of the concerned organization are very much aware of the law-abiding and various rules and regulations that have been created by the organization. There are various business activities, which influence the stakeholder of the organization in which decision-making dignity can be maintained in an effective way. The law abiding ethical behaviour of various employees of the concerned organization has influenced the proficiency and the responsibility.

Task 3: Self-assessment and gap analysis 

In order to improve productivity and achieve the strategic objectives self-assessment and gap analysis have been conducted. Those skills are as follows:


The manager of Sky TV NZ Ltd. has been focused on honesty in the workplace. It has been identified that honesty is one of the effective channels between the communication of customers and employees. The leader of the concerned organization mainly focuses on various integrity which the leader can overcome negative actions. The establishment of a solid reputation influences the honesty within the workplace in which the employer can keep their precious commitments. It is required to focus on the business environment effectively in which the environment can surround with honest peoples. The responsibility and providing respect to other employees influence honesty in the workplace.

Listening carefully

Listening skill is one of the effective self-assessment skills, which has been identified by the manager of the concerned organization. The entire communication process has been influenced by effective listening skills. The positive workplace has been influenced by the effective opinions and the effective responsiveness in which the employees of the organization can maintain an effective relationship within the organization.

Self decline

Self-decline is one of the effective phases for the concerned organization. The organizational life cycle is influenced by the self-decline behavior of various employees within the organization. It has been identified that organizational growth is one of the effective strategy, which reflects the longtime stagnation within the organization. The internal environment can be influenced by the self decline skills of various employees in which the strategic objectives can be achieved (Rupp et al. 2018).

Respect for others

Respect for others plays an important role in reducing the stress within the workplace. The conflict management has been managed properly by encouraging mutual respect. Increasing the workplace respect influence the effective communication that increases the participation of the teamwork. The overall productivity of the concerned organization has been influenced by reducing the stress in the workplace (Jaeger, 2018).

Task 4: Factors to improve employee engagement to achieve the strategic objectives 

There are various factors which play an important role in improving employee engagement in order to achieve strategic objectives. Some of the major factors are as follows:


The social factors of the concerned organization have been identified by the various individuals of the organization, which mainly focuses on the personality of the individuals. The attitudes and the lifestyle of the employees of the organization influence the social factors in which the consumer groups can be influenced. The incensement of product’s appeals has been evaluated by the social factors of the organization. Community and other socio-economic factors are required to be managed effectively in order to improve employee engagement to achieve the strategic objectives (Allen, 2018). 

Self upgrading

Self-upgrading is one of the effective factors which play a vital role in increasing employee engagement for achieving the strategic objectives. It is required for the organization to promote the breaks in which the flexibility of the strategic objectives can be encouraged. The self-upgrading in which the effective work environment can be provided can access the feedback from the employees. The goals of the organization can be achieved by an effective self-upgrading factor of the concerned organization (James & Casidy, 2018).

Supporting others

It has been identified the effective strategy that supporting others can improve the teamwork in order to increase employee engagement and this play a vital role in order to achieve the strategic objectives. It is required for the organization to build up trust and respect for increasing employee engagement. The socializing of effective strategies encourage open communication, which focuses on roles and responsibilities. The overall team process influences the organizational goals in which employee engagement can be improved.

Work focus

In order to improve employee engagement, work focus plays a vital role in achieves the vision and mission of the concerned organization. Sky TV NZ Ltd. has been identified that work focus is one of the traditional strategic planning processes, which influence the organizational objectives in an effective way. This factor provides an important priority, which directs on high-level goals of the organization (Bose et al. 2019).


  • Allen, S. L. (2018). The Moderating Role of Knowledge, Motivation, and Organizational Influences on Employee Turnover: A Gap Analysis (Doctoral dissertation, University of Southern California).
  • Bose, I., Baldi, G., Kiess, L., & de Pee, S. (2019). The “Fill the Nutrient Gap” analysis: An approach to strengthen nutrition situation analysis and decision making towards multisectoral policies and systems change. Maternal & child nutrition, e12793.
  • Hodges, C., & Steinholtz, R. (2018). Ethical business practice and regulation: a behavioural and values-based approach to compliance and enforcement. Bloomsbury Publishing.
  • Jaeger, A. (2018). Achieving business excellence through self-assessment for personal and professional excellence. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 29(13-14), 1612-1632.
  • James, L. T., & Casidy, R. (2018). Authentic assessment in business education: its effects on student satisfaction and promoting behaviour. Studies in higher education, 43(3), 401-415.
  • Prashar, A., & Antony, J. (2018). Towards continuous improvement (CI) in professional service delivery: a systematic literature review. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 1-29.
  • Robertson, M. B. (2019). Employee engagement in the goal setting process: can employee engagement theory improve the goal setting process? (Doctoral dissertation, University of Liverpool).
  • Rupp, D. E., Shao, R., Skarlicki, D. P., Paddock, E. L., Kim, T. Y., & Nadisic, T. (2018). Corporate social responsibility and employee engagement: The moderating role of CSR‐specific relative autonomy and individualism. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 39(5), 559-579.
  • Schaltegger, S., & Burritt, R. (2018). Business cases and corporate engagement with sustainability: Differentiating ethical motivations. Journal of Business Ethics, 147(2), 241-259.

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